Monica joined the Watson's Family in Summer of 2018. She leads the team/family of one of our our busiest shops in East Amherst.
Monica's favorite holiday is Chritsmas because she loves getting the family together to celebrate!
Her favorite Watson's confection is our Cashew Frog.
3 things from Monica...
1. I'm going to be a Grandma for the first time in January to my future grandson Owen. I'm so excited for my son Kurtis and his wife Jillian - I am spoiling him already.
2. I have 2 doggies at home, Bella a golden doodle, and Mr. Marley a Shi Poo Pom.
3. My happy place is in Florida our home away from home. Spending time at Walt Disney World with my family always puts the biggest smile on my face.
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